Jeff and I just got off our bus here in Costa Rica about an hour ago. We checked into a cheap hostel with free internet use--bingo!
Tomorrow we´re going to ride on some chicken buses to the farm, which is about 2 hours south-west of San Jose (where we are now) in a little town south of Puriscul called Mastatal (sp?). I highly doubt there will be internet there, so it´s possible nobody will hear from me for at most a month.
Thank God for free meals on the bus today. Money is dangerously low and if things don´t work out well on the farm, I´ll be back to Denver any time between tomorrow and whenever. Suprisingly, I´m only slightly disappointed by this. I feel that I have accomplished exactly what I set out to do. We had no idea what to expect when we left Denver, and we took what came to us as it came.
South of the border is far more dangerous than I had expected. That´s why hitchhiking without even speaking Spanish was immediately out of the question. I´m sure it´s difficult to negotiate your way out of a bullet to the brain when you can´t even speak the local language.
Buses weren´t expensive, but they weren´t cheap. Apparently, in the last 8 years, Mexico has upgraded their entire bus system to first class, eliminating alot of the chicken busses. Although these are still cheaper (and more comfortable) than the Greyhound busses in the states, they remained to be an unexpected expense for Jeff and I.
Anyhow, if the next time I talk to any of you is back in Denver next week, don´t be suprised. I´ll be excited to see you and have plenty more to tell and hopefully plenty to listen to as soon as I return. Sorry, no new pictures.